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Ruminations, Reflections and Retrospective reports from the life of a strange person.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


While I was packing for Israel, I came across an old notebook from the seventh grade (so I was 13). It had a selection of those really lame writing assignments from a general prompt. I was feeling sorta nostalgic, so I decided to bring it along, in case I needed something to write about on my blog, I could always pull one out and post it.
I have decided to do just that. But first, a quick update. I went to a concert downtown on Monday night by the Jerusalem symphony orchestra w/ some other choral group, and it was pretty incredible. Hayden's symphony #24, and then 2 latin masses w/ the kyrie, gloria, credo, benedictus and angus dei. Since I got the ticket for about $5, I didn't feel so bad buying a piece of cheesecake for $2 at the little coffee bar outside the theatre where the concert was. It was rather unimpressive cheesecake.
Two nights later, I made some cheesecake which was ... well... perfect. astoundingly lovely and soooo deliciously smooth. Perfectly uniform and without visual flaw. There's some pictures on facebook.

In other food news, I'm planning a thanksgiving dinner here for some of the americans and some of the internationals who are interested. It's gonna be awesome. I have a turkey ordered, and did a warm-up chicken this last week. (which was perfect, because I made some chicken noodle soup then, and had it handy when a housemate got sick this weekend).

Back to the blast from the past, though...

"Me, in a nutshell"
"I am smart, annoying (sometimes) and a little overweight. I enjoy reading immensly anything I can learn from, I also enjoy chess and tennis. My church family and real family are important to me. Right now, I am involved in Bible quizzing."
--by Mordecai Veldt, age 13

Just for good measure, here's another choice selection:

"How do you think that you would respond in an emergency?"
"I'm not sure, but I think that I would do okay. I am usually either very logical or very... strange.
In an emergency, I believe that the logical midset would kick in, and that I would be able to handle the given situation"
--by Mordecai Veldt, age 13

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