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Ruminations, Reflections and Retrospective reports from the life of a strange person.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

a good Shabbat, and a bad Sunday (so far)

The Campus Jewish organization Chabad hosted a shabbat meal on Friday night and saturday noon. There were several of the international students who came and it was a good time with far more food than we could eat. It was kind of interesting, sitting at the table with friends from Ulpan, none of us really understanding hebrew much yet, but having a good time. There were two or three from Germany (I think Anna-Maria, Christoph, and Daniel were all there), and Traci, who is from Scotland, but did her graduate school in the US and is doing postdoc now at the Technion. There are also the Erdos brothers, who are both from Missourri and doing a masters in EE. It was a good time. On Saturday, there was the meal and then we were going to a do a scavenger hunt around campus, but something got messed up with the clues, so we're gonna try again. It should be great picture fodder of some of the more scenic parts of campus.

Also of note, it took 5 days before I had someone call me a genius. I think that's a new record.

I've noticed that there is a disproportionate number of people who salute me as a greeting. This has included military persons, employers, professors and peers. It kinda creeps me out a little bit. But anyway, Saturday was the first salute in Israel. maybe it won't be as common here. We'll see.

But on to the bad news.

I woke up late today... partly because the battery in the alarm clock that I brought died 3 days after I arrived. Then, while biking my way to class, I was looking for a turn and hit an irregularity in the pavement which caused me to wipe out. All through class I just wasn't really able to concentrate, and about halfway through, we got the bill for the Ulpan, which is 1500 sheqels, or about 400 dollars. (which, incidentally, is $100 cheaper than Rosetta Stone).
Anyway, I got the impression that we were supposed to pay it today, but when I went to the post office to pay, they said cash or check only and no, an american check wouldn't work. (even though it worked for the deposit with the application). Anyway, I went to the bank on campus then to see if I could convert some money, but it was closed. Eventually I found out that no, it's fine to take care of it whenever.
Then I needed to get some pushpins at the bookstore, but on my way there, I wiped out on my bike again.. I think partly b/c I was tired and not watching my speed very carefully. Minor scrapes is all, but it's still frustrating. Oh yeah, and my bike lock that I bought on Friday broke. Not during one of the wrecks, no, that would make too much sense. It broke when I accidentally tried to turn the key the wrong direction. I think a swift kick would have defeated it. So, another trip to find another bike lock.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the part where I had to leave class early to go talk to Rodica, the foreign students coordinator, but even though her office is open until 12:30, she's only there until 12. Go figure.
I did accomplish at least one thing today: I found out what my mailing address is:

Mordecai Veldt
Nave America
Haifa 32000

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